unique, durable and ecological beauty

As the growth cycle of rattan is significantly shorter than that of wood, rattan is a very durable material to work with. It’s considered as being ecological and sustainable for a number of reasons:  

  • no pesticides or fertilizers are needed for cultivating rattan 

  • rattan is CO2 neutral thanks to its rapid growth, and it’s recyclable
  • rattan grows best under some sort of tree cover and as a result rattan planting indirectly protects tree cover and forests. 


On top of that, rattan is a very flexible material with distinct characteristics, thus allowing to create beautiful, unique and solely handcrafted designs with it.

It’s therefore no wonder that rattan is one of the favourite materials at Vincent Sheppard to work with. 

As a bonus, rattan is easy to maintain: clean it every now and then with a moist towel and some natural soap, and you’ll be able to enjoy it for many years to come!

